Mica and Mars go to Japan
Best Friends,
oil on canvas,
36in x48in
Tony and John
Best Friends,
36in x48in,
oil on canvas
Mark and Lester
Best Friends,
oil on canvas
36in x48in
New Year's Eve 2018
oil on canvas
Self Portrait
acrylic on canvas
Portrait of Zoë, 2 years old
8in x8in
acrylic on canvas
Portrait of Raul and Scout
oil on canvas
Portrait of Blair and Scout
oil on plexiglass
Portrait of Lester
oil on glass,
Portrait of Ella Goldfarb
Portrait of Ella Goldfarb at age 2 wearing headphones
12 x12inch 2020
Portrait of Ava Radcliff-Fischer
Acrylic on Canvas
12 x12 inch
Portrait of Grandpa
Acrylic on canvas
16 x20 inch
Portrait of Grandpa
Acrylic on canvas
16 x20 inch
Portrait of Shyia Alam
Acrylic on canvas
16 x20 inch
Pandemic Portrait
Portrait of Lena, skater girrrrl
Acrylic on canvas
16 x20 inch
Pandemic Portrait
Tracey Merkel on the patio
Acrylic on canvas
16 x20 inch
Pandemic Portrait
Portrait of Marvin eating a donut
Acrylic on paper
Portrait of Michelle Huang, cyclist
Acrylic on canvas
16 x20 inch
Pandemic Portrait
Portrait of Adan Guerrero, Cyclist
Acrylic on canvas
16 x20 inch
Pandemic Portrait
Painting of Whitey Bulger's apartment in Santa Monica the night be was arrested
oil on canvas,
36in x 36in
California Incline from the Bottom
oil on canvas
36in x 36in
The NOMA Coyote
oil on canvas,
36in x36in,
New York City Night
oil on canvas,
Venice Canal Night
oil on canvas,
36in x36in,
Florida Night
oil on canvas,
California Incline Orange Night
oil on canvas, 16in x20in,
California Incline Night, Santa Monica
oil on canvas, 16in x20in,
Montana Ave, Santa Monica
I always liked the Father’s Office sign on Montana Ave especially how it glows at night. It has the best burgers ever (if you can eat it without modifying your order) and luckily it’s only a short walk from my apartment. Cheryl Fudge is the storefront in the foreground that has now disappeared to the Internet.
Oil on canvas, 16 x 20 inch, 2013
Windward & Pacific Ave, Venice
The iconic Venice sign on Pacific Ave is 2 miles from the beginning of our most frequent Friday Night Skate route. It’s a natural place for the slow and fast skaters to converge since it’s the first turn off the beach path and there's a traffic light. The business on the corner keeps changing. For a while it was Campos Tacos.
Oil on canvas, 16 x 20 inch, 2013,
Secret Skate through Venice Canals
I discovered the Venice Canals while skating with my pals. It was a bit rough as we rollerbladed through Venice Beach, past the freak show, a homeless guy taunting us, past crowds of tourists, the Venice Pier, broken glass, and drunkenness on Washington Blvd. Next thing I know I’m hopping a curve and skating though some magical space time continuum.
Oil on canvas, 16 x 20 inch, 2013,
Venice Canal Bridge
oil on canvas, 16in x20in,
Venice Canal with Boat
oil on canvas, 16in x 20in,
RIP Barns & Noble, Santa Monica
Nighttime in the city whether it’s inside or outside, the color of the light might be different but the brightness is the same. People passively inhabit a third space and B&N a neighborhood fixture is priced out without much protest. This establishment will be missed dearly by children.
Oil on canvas, 16 x 20 inch, 2013,
Santa Monica Pier
oil on canvas,
16in x20in,
Wilshire West Car Wash
oil on canvas, 16in x 20in,
Friday Night Skate Santa Monica
oil on canvas, 16in x20in,
Venice Canal Tree
oil on canvas, 16in x20in,
California Incline Fog
oil on canvas, 16in x20in,
Froggy's, Topanga
oil on canvas,
16in x 20in,
The Great Wall of Topanga
This is the Great Wall of Topanga; the title is a riff on the Great Wall of LA mural in case you were wondering. Rick maintains the gallery of images on the Great Wall, which is on the perimeter of his property. Every time I drive by there is a new piece on display. The art is a mix of his creations and his collection. Every once in awhile there is an unsolicited acquisition that creates some drama.
Oil on canvas, 16 x 20 inch, 2013,
Hidden Treasures, Topanga
oil on canvas, 16in x20in,
Humming Bird
Palisades Park Abstract 1
oil on canvas, 16in x20in,
Palisades Park, Santa Monica
This is the view across the street from my apartment. You can get lost smelling all the different roses with an occasional waft of homelessness when the ocean breeze picks up. The sculpture in the background, Gestation III plays host to the winter solstice when the sun sets in the middle of the piece. SOLD
Palisades Park Abstract 2
oil on canvas, 16in x20in,
Palisades Park Pergola
oil on canvas, 16in x20in,
Santa Monica Pier Fog
oil on canvas, 16in x20in
Jalan Jalan Imports, Topanga
Brian at Jalan Jalan Imports sells goods from Bali. His store has many beautiful handmade items and outside there are statues and furniture. I would pass the business on Topanga Canyon a few times a week on my way to the gallery. Once I showed my work there for the Topanga Canyon Studio Tour. I set up near the waterfall in the back. It was so peaceful. I was happy just to sit there all day long with the sun on my back and get up every so often to check out the fish or look for a lizard.
oil on canvas, 16 x 20 inch, 2013,
oil on canvas, 16in x20in,
Bungalow in Santa Monica
oil on canvas, 16 x 20 inch, 2018,
Unlike the large apartment buildings surrounding it, this bungalow was built in the early 1900’s. Around the same time the Santa Monica Pier was being constructed and amusement parks were all the rage. I’ve probably passed this house a million times on my walks and never noticed it, until one day I finally did. That day it was dressed up in holiday decorations that were really fun and festive. I think it was the flying pig on the porch that woke me from my zombie state. I walked by the other day and all the decorations were gone.
oil on canvas,
5ft x 6ft,
Purple Sage
Viktor from Brazil
oil on canvas
Portraits von meinen Mitschülern, Schüler eines Deutchkurses in Augsburg Deutschland
Portraits of my classmates.
Soner from Turkey
oil on canvas
Sangmi from South Korea
Samuel from Nepal
Samroay from Thailand
Rosalia from Romania
Marcelo from USA
Lisa from USA
Leticia from Brazil
Kituana from DR Congo
Kader from Turkey
Gily from Russia
Elias from Ecuador
Ebru from Turkey
Cecile from China
Angela from Italy
Apollonia from Sweden
Grafinger Anzeiger review
March 11, 2009
Deutsch Stunden book cover
Portrait of Zard
80 cm. x 80 cm (31.5 in x 31.5 in),
oil on canvas,
Yarrow’s Spiny Lizard
12in x12in,
oil on canvas,
Juvenile Green Iguana
12in x12in,
oil on canvas,
Horned Toad Lizard
Texas Horned Lizard
12in x12in,
oil on canvas,
12in x12in,
oil on canvas,
Helmeted Lizard
12in x12in,
oil on canvas,
Eastern Collared Lizard (Male)
12in x 12in,
oil on canvas,
Female Eastern Collared Lizard
12in x12in,
oil on canvas,
Eastern Collared Lizard (Female)
12in x 12in,
oil on canvas,
Bearded Dragon
12in x12in,
oil on canvas,
Alligator Lizard
12in x12 in,
oil on canvas,
Lizardinger: Phrynosoma collaris chameleoni in situ
There is a long history in art of creating new animals from parts of existing ones. For example in Greek mythology was the winged horse Pegasus, the fire breathing Chimaera who was half goat, snake and lion and the Griffin who was half eagle and half lion. In Germany the Wolperdinger roams the Bavarian forest. Its counterpart, the Jackalope roams America. In Lisa Goldfarb’s studio lives the mysterious Lizardinger, Part Eastern Collared lizard, part Horned lizard and part Jackson’s chameleon, the Lizardinger crossed the Bering strait from America millions of years ago and now lives in in Kleinwalserltal. It is a gregarious creature that lives on a diet of poppies and dandelions in the summer and cabbage in the winter
Lizardinger (Phrynosoma collaris chameleoni in situ)
Öl auf Leinwand
120cm x 95cm
In der Kunst gibt es eine lange Tradition, neue Tiere aus Elementen von bereits existierenden zu erschaffen. In der griechischen Mythologie waren dies das geflügelte Pferd Pegasos (lat. Pegasus) oder die Feuer speiende Chimäre, die zum Teil Löwe, Ziege und Schlange war oder der Greif, der halb Löwe und halb Adler war. In Deutschland durchwandert der Wolperdinger die Bayerischen Wälder. Sein Gegenstück, der Jackalope, durchstreift Nordamerika. Und in Lisa’s Atelier lebt der geheimnisvolle Lizardinger, zum Teil Wüstenhalsbandleguan, zum Teil texanische Krötenechse und zum Teil Jacksons Chameleon. Der Lizardinger hat die Beringstrasse von Amerika her vor Millionen von Jahren überquert und lebt nun im Kleinwalsertal. Er ist ein Herdentier, das sich im Sommer von Mohnblumen und Löwenzahn und im Winter von Kohl ernährt.
120 cm. x 95 cm (47.2 in x 37.4 in)
Oil on Canvas,
Lizard Bath
24 in x 30 in,
oil on canvas,
Zerd-Herbert in bath
Oil on Canvas
Zerd was my iguana. We lived for a time with my 95 year old grandma in Brooklyn, NY. She didn’t like the name Zerd. So renamed him Herbert and loved him as much as I did. I would regularly bathe him in the bathtub. He had a skin problem that was helped by the warm water. It eventually killed him despite several expensive trips to the vet.
Iguanas can live for more than 20 years in captivity. Zerd-Herbert was 7. Grandma is now 98.
Zerd-Herbert in der Badewanne
Öl auf Leinwand
Zerd war mein Leguan. Wir lebten einige Zeit zusammen mit meiner 95 jährigen Großmutter in Brooklyn, New York. Sie mochte den Namen Zerd nicht. Deshalb benannte sie ihn in Herbert um und hatte ihn dann genauso sehr lieb wie ich. Ich badete ihn regelmäßig in der Badewanne. Er hatte eine Hautkrankheit, die durch warmes Wasser gelindert wurde. Trotz mehrerer teuerer Tierarztbesuche brachte diese ihn jedoch schließendlich ins Grab. Leguane können mehr als 20 Jahre alt werden. Zerd-Herbert war 7. Meine Oma ist nun 98.
Frank the Horny Toad
oil on canvas
Herpetological Still Life
There has been a long tradition of painting flowers in vases. Flowers are symbols of beauty, innocence and springtime. They are natural decorations brought in to cheer up an unnatural environment. Reptiles and amphibians are sometimes associated with fear and evil. They are objects of aversion to be left alone and ignored in the outside world. Here the artist brings them inside and regards them as objects of beauty, beautiful as flowers. Side note: although the artist grew up with exotic pets, she does not advocate the pet trade dealing in wild and or poisonous animals.
Öl auf Leinwand
120cm x 100cm
augsburger allgemeine review
April 3, 2009
My Grandma's Brooklyn Kitchen
oil on canvas
Momom and The Lizard
Turtle Army
oil on canvas
Totally Toady. Toad Swarm
180 cm. x 200 cm (70.9 in x 86.6 in)
Oil on Canvas
Horned Lizard Swarm
Oil on Canvas
220 cm. x180 cm. (86.6in x 70.9)
Represented in this painting is a marching swarm of various species of oversized horned lizards seemingly ready to do damage. At first glance it is a colorful textural tapestry. A second glance might inspire your worst fear.
In reality, horned lizards are solitary docile creatures and pose no threat to humans whatsoever. They are small enough to fit in your hand and slow moving enough to catch easily. Because of environmental factors and encroaching civilization on their habitats they are rapidly becoming endangered.
Öl auf Leinwand
220cm x 180cm
In diesem Gamälde ist eine marschierende Gruppe von verschiedenen übergroßen texanischen Krötenechsen dargestellt, die für alles bereit zu sein scheinen. Auf den ersten Blick sieht das Bild jedoch aus wie ein farbenfroher Gobelin von gewebter Textur. Auf den zweiten Blick könnte es Furcht einflößen. In Wirklichkeit sind texanische Krötenechsen zurückgezogen lebende gutmütige Kreaturen, die für den Menschen keine wie auch immer geartete Gefahr darstellen. Sie sind klein genug, um in eine Hand zu passen und bewegen sich langsam genug, um sie zu fangen. Aufgrund von sich änderrnden Umweltfaktoren und in ihr Habitat vordringender Zivilisation, nimmt ihre Zahl rasch ab.
Grasshopper Swarm
100 cm. x 100 cm (39.4 in x 39.4 in)
Oil on Canvas • 2009
Collared Lizard Swarm
220 cm. x 180 cm (86.6 in x 70.9 in)
Oil on Canvas
muenchner merkur
March 12, 2009
Portrait of Fred as an Astronaut
oil on canvas
Portrait of Piper
acrylic on canvas, 24in x24in
Blade the Doberman Pinscher
acrylic on canvas
Bella the Boston Terrier
acrylic on canvas
acrylic, 6in x6in
dog for Chewy.com
acrylic, 6in x 6in
dog for chewy.com
acrylic 6in x6in
Portrait of Winslow (RIP)
Gracie the Weimaraner
oil on canvas,
24in x24in
uncommon goods sample
oil on canvas,
12in x12in
Portrait of Talula
oil on canvas, 24in x24in
portrait of Sunny
oil on canvas,
12in x12in
Portrait of Skippy
oil on canvas
24in x24in
portrait of Pepe
oil on canvas,
12in x12in
Portrait of May
oil on canvas,
12in x12in
Portrait of Mandy
oil on canvas,
12in x12in
Portrait of Madeline
oil on canvas,
12in x12in
Roxy the Great Dane
oil on canvas,
12in x12in
Portrait of Fred
oil on canvas,
12in x12in
Chocolate Labrador
oil on canvas,
12in x12in
oil on canvas,
12in x12in
Portrait of Bo
oil on canvas,
12in x12in
Portrait of Ava
oil on canvas,
12in x12in
Portrait of Lubi
oil on canvas,
12in x12in
Portrait of Clyde
oil on canvas,
12in x12in